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When Readers Don't Understand What Fiction Means

This is going to be a bit of a rant, though a somewhat good natured one (I hope) about something that I have noticed is a bit of an issue when one posts stories of an erotic nature on the internet. There is a large group of people who don't seem to understand what fiction is.  I noticed this myself on some of my comments on some of the stories I have posted on Literotica , as well as in the comments of other stories I've read on there. Particularly stories that feature women cheating or taking control in some sort of way, people get really mad at this stuff. I'll share some examples so you really get a sense of what I mean. On my story " Pregnant and Fucking Her Boss " which is, as you may have guessed, about a woman who is pregnant who ends up having sex with her boss while both are married, these are some of the very angry comments by very offended readers:  "1 star - A pregnant wife cheating with her boss - really? This is just wrong on so many levels. I

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